Monday, December 06, 2004

James Moule

James Moule
Originally uploaded by jmoule.
Nobody likes photos of themselves. However, the time has come to select one. This was taken by my son-in-law, Stefanos Polyzoides, on Thanksgiving 2004 (using my camera).


At 3:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What kind of camera was used? The online resolution is pretty good as I struggle with "grainy" pictures online. Looking as sharp as ever. The penguins were all that were missing.
Dave in Indianapolis

At 5:42 PM, Blogger James Moule said...

The camera was a Nikon D-100. But there is more to say than that. First, the picture was underexposed by two stops. It looked dark black. Using Adobe Photoshop, I increased the exposure by two stops on my computer. Then, I cropped the photo, turning it from a horizontal to a vertical, and throwing about two thirds of the original away. The face color seemed a little too red, so I shifted the hue slightly.

The original photo was about 3,000 by 2,000 picture elements. After cropping, it was still about 1,100 pixels wide. I reduced the image to 600 pixels wide and the height was scaled proportionately. Then, I converted it to a JPEG. The final file was less than 100K, even though the original was about 4.7 Megs.


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