Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Don't fight the tape

Despite my concerns about the US economy in the long term, and the fact that the stock market is overvalued in general, I have been slowly increasing my investments. The market has been saying that no matter what I think, it wants to move up. On a day to day basis, it has been ignoring bad news. So, I am moving to a 15% cash/85% invested position.

Taking a top down approach, I am moving toward the following allocation of resources:

Energy (i. e. oil & gas), 15%
Gold, 10%
International, 20%
Raw materials (lumber, copper, etc.) 15%
REITs, 15%
Other US small caps, 15%
Other US, 10%

Within those categories, I am emphasizing investments paying high dividends. That includes not only dividend paying equities, but also high yield ETF's, Canadian Royalty Trusts, and foreign telephone companies.


At 8:24 PM, Blogger John Moule said...

As far as speculative stocks go. I have done very well in the stem cell sector. They are pretty highly priced right now, but when the products come to the market 5-10 years from now, I expect them to gain substaintial market capitalizaton. Here are the main four: GERN ASTM STEM VIAC
There are a few others. I like GERN the best. There is also a stem cell fund called SCCC
The potential of this science is endless. See the new National Geographic

At 7:05 AM, Blogger James Moule said...

Interesting coincidence. I have a fair amount invested in a NASDQ Biotechnology Index fund, IBB which includes the stem cell sector.

I can't find anything on "SCCC". My computer says it is not a valid symbol.


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