Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Smoke and Mirrors

No matter how I look at it, I can't understand it. George Bush campaigned on being a "CEO President". Yet he has just submitted a budget to Congress that does not include a) funds for the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, and b) the cost of his proposed Social Security changes. He must seriously underestimate the intelligence of the American public.

He says that he wants to reduce government spending. OK. Good idea. But how does sending Congress an incomplete budget help decrease government spending?


At 4:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The smoke and subsequent mirrors will get only thicker as 2008 approaches. The "Smartest Woman in America" will then usher us into crystal clear blue solutions. The world cannot wait any longer for the arrival of Hillary. As the song from the 1970's reminds me..."We've only just begun." That will be her campaign slogan in 2008, with Evan Bayh in tow as the Veep candidate from Indiana to corral the Midwest conservative-Democratic vote. I miss "Decision '04" already. We need another election to settle things. 2.5 Trillion for a budget is simply too much for me to grasp. What is the minimum payment due each month on that amount? Laugh with me together now....a 1, a 2, a 3...

Dave in Indianapolis

At 12:36 PM, Blogger James Moule said...

One of the great values of this blog is that it draws wisdom from the sage of Indianapolis.

This has been a bad week. The North Koreans announced that they have nuclear weapons. Now we are reminded that Hillary is coming.

I miss Eisenhower.

At 7:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maalox moments sometimes have to be shared over a good reminisce of politics, news anchors, and bad haircuts. Bad haircuts? Yes indeed. The North Korean President, with or without his nukes declaration, needs help in the Fashion Police Department of his government. He makes the "Axis of Evil" only on the basis of his stylist's oversensitive electric shearers. I had to comment. I'm sorry. The Sage has left the room; I'll try to control myself.


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