Wednesday, May 11, 2005

I hate Microsoft Word

I have used Microsoft Word ever since its first version twenty years ago. It has grown into an unwieldy, buggy, beast. The only reason that I continue is that it has become a de facto standard and I have to exchange files with my classmates at UC Berkeley. It never ceases to surprise.

This morning I opened the final report for my Finance class into which I have put at least 80 hours of work. It is 50% complete and due in ten days. I began to add words. Word bombed after about three words and tried to send a crash report home to Redmond over the Internet. I started Word again. I tried to delete one word of text. Word bombed again and tried to call home. To make a long story short, if I made any change to my report, however small, the program crashed.

I finally had to save the file as a text file, losing all sorts of formatting and tables, and then open it again. Now I have about six hours of work to do to repair it back to where I started.

I hate Word. I'm not that wild about Microsoft either.


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