Monday, April 30, 2007

Washington, DC

A week ago we visited Washington, DC. The excuse was to see the craft exhibit at in the Pension Building (now the National Building Museum).

I selected this photo because it gives a feel for the season. Katherine's sister Elizabeth is at left. The background is Lafayette Square. Those of you who remember how scruffy Lafayette Square was in the 1970s will hardly recognize it.

Foodie notes: Nora's is as good as ever, if not better. Ditto Pesche. Alas, Johnny's Half Shell is no more.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

I have an new scanner

I can now begin scanning the color slides that I took from 1952 through 2003. This is one picked at random. It was taken on a burro packing trip in the Sierras in July 1963. Katherine and I went with Lupe and Mareta Ellmore (old college friends) and two burros to carry our gear.

We started at Wolverton Meadows in Sequoia National Park and traveled for two days to reach a small lake where we stayed for a few days. I had not been in the high country for ten years and was surprised at how much air polution there was. (Looking at this photo, I still am.) After this picture was taken, we crossed over a pass and left most of the polution behind.

If you have not guessed, that is Lupe Ellmore leading one of the burros.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Chinatown Lion Dance

In San Francisco, a lion dance is part of the New Year's celebration. The lion goes along the street, stopping at every store or business. At each stop, the lion does a little dance honoring the store and receives a red envelope full of cash as a donation to the Chinese Hospital. A retinue of uniformed attendants follows the lion, banging on bells and lighting fireworks. It is all very noisy and confusing.